I'm too late with most of this advice for my friend, but hopefully it will help someone.
Support: Seek out a local twins club affiliated with the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs, Inc. (
Why? Because you have questions and concerns, and it helps to meet people in the same boat (or already successfully ashore).
Why before I've even had the babies? Because then you'll make the effort to go afterward; you'll already know how helpful it will be. Honestly, going to a MOT meeting when I was expecting the twins was one of the best decisions I made. There's no membership fee until your twins are three months old, and then you can choose to join or not.
Due Date: There was a study done at one point (I saw it written about in
Twins magazine) which determined that 40 weeks is not term for twins. I don’t remember exactly, but I think term for twins was 37 weeks – after that, the outcome
started to decline in terms of babies’ health. So if, for example, your doctor says “we really want to get to 40 weeks,” think about getting a new doc.
Hospital: If you have a choice of hospitals, go for the one with the higher-level NICU. Choose your doctor based on the hospital.
Why? If one or both of your babies needs more than your hospital can give them, the baby(/ies) will be taken to a different hospital. It has happened that mom is at one hospital and one or both babies are elsewhere. This doesn't make nursing or bonding impossible, but it sure doesn't help, and it has to be stressful.
Car Seats: When thinking about car seats and strollers for those first few months, do get some kind of a "system," meaning, make sure it's the kind of car seat you can take out of the car and fit right into your double stroller without disturbing the babies. They didn't have double strollers that would fit car seats when I had my twins, so we had to carry those baby seats or transfer the babies into the stroller. Thank your lucky stars they keep improving twin products.
Mobility: It's tough to get around when you're pregnant with twins. I asked for a temporary sticker to park in the disabled spots of the closer visitor parking when parking wherever I could find parking became a problem.
People say the darndest things: When people find out you’re expecting twins, they may say some stupid things, like “better you than me” (with that attitude, I guess so!) and “if I were you, I’d kill myself!” No lie, I got that one once. People will also ask whether it was fertility drugs (“why ever would you ask that?”) and whether twins run in your family (“they do now!”) Just be prepared and realize it's not just you -- we all get that.
A C-Section is not inevitable: I remember people just assuming I'd have to have a c-section. It's not true. Sure, you're probably more likely to need one with twins than with a singleton, but it's only if there's some reason -- it's not automatic. Ask your doctor the conditions which would cause you to have a c-section; don't assume or listen to people who are assuming.
Ditto: The same goes with "Oh, your baby will need the NICU!" and "Your babies will be premature!" and "You'll never be able to nurse!"
For the record: induced vaginal delivery at 36 weeks, babies 5 lbs, 11 oz and 5 lbs, 15 oz., one baby under NICU observation for 30 hours, nursed for two years (a teeny bit of supplementing and formula, more details on that later).
And finally: Better you than me. If I were you I'd kill myself. Did you have fertility drugs? Do twins run in your family? You know you're going to need a C-section, the babies will be premature and need the NICU, and you'll never be able to nurse, don't you? :(
But seriously, finally: You're pregnant with twins. Congratulations. It's an awesome experience (literally, an experience that inspires awe) and I wouldn't change it for the world.